Chapter 3


I have a hectic schedule tomorrow so i just need to stay for a couple of drinks with the fellows then bounce. The beauty of having a friend that co-owns a bar is that you have a standing reserved table. When Tony suggested we buy this place i thought he was mad , the place looked like a money pit but i must say i was quiet impressed when he turned it into a cigar lounge and really this is one a the few good investments i made. The place is full today on a Thursday i wonder what’s happening in town, as i walk through i see familiar faces, some titans of industry are here tonight if he keeps this up I’m sure we can franchise this.

‘Holla…… heita everyone said at once

“ the place seems to be alive tonight gents so hows everyone been”?

“ well tonight we celebrate said Lebo….. what are we celebrating Kunene?

“ Gents you are looking at the new MD of Hlatshaneni Industries, i got news this afternoon”

“Congratulations laaitie you now get to sit at the big boys table, how does it feel”?

“Eish sani, its great cause it means more money , more money means i can actually give Linda the wedding she wants and i now can just build a solid brand for myself.

We sat and spoke for a while Tony, Sandile ,Lebo and I about Lebo success, Sandile crazy baby mama my psycho ex girlfriend and how glad i was finally to be rid of her for good this time around. With Lebo’s great news after a couple of drinks i must leave. I say my goodbye to the fellows who are not particularly please by exit. Just as i walk towards my car see someone running towards me the is commotion-a very amusing scene. I can foresee she’s going to collide with me, so i best prepare for impact and try hold her before any collusion.

“ Do you need help, are you ok”

“Yes please sorry if i …..

“ No need, i interject and wow she is beautiful i love woman with minimal makeup on, she does look like she needs rescuing from this woman yelling in the street”

“ hey wena sfebe come here, the nerve of this woman who calls people that these days”

“ Ousie, you cant be yelling names here, have you no shame’?


Right there i feel i need to stop you cause clearly you were never taught etiquette, so you have had your fun why not leave us now. Plus i don’t think she’s stolen anything I’m pretty sure your husband would not fit in her clutch she’s carrying.

At that moment i felt i was defending the defenseless. What’s this world coming too.

“ Can i offer you a ride home”?

“If you can just drop me up the road I’m sure i can order an Uber.”

“ Nonsense i was taught to be a gentleman , i am Menzi Tshabalala”. i stretched out my hand towards her.

“ Hi I’m Uluthando Phukani, but my friends call me Ulu”.

“ Great to meet you Miss Phukani, hop in “

We drove off after the pleasantries, in my head i had a roaming question of how does a beautiful chick end up being chased for stealing someone’s husband, she clearly can get a man easily.

“ so you are a thief i see, i try to break this awkward silence in the car”

She chuckled a bit. “Well it seems that way, things aren’t always what they seem”

“ Indulge Me”

“. That was a blind date gone bad, a colleague of mine set us up, apparently this guy was recently single and so she thought he would be a perfect for me to go on a date with him and see if we were compatible, they grew up together and he had just relocated to town. Anyway the date was a disaster even before aunt Felicia stormed in”

We both laughed at what just happened earlier.

“ if it brings you any comfort i once went on a blind date only to find out that my current blind date I’d gone out with her sister as well, it was a mess and i swore off blind dates there and there”.

“Eish, if you hadn’t come between us i think she would have tramped the living daylights out of me, so thank you.”

“Its only a pleasure, such beauty donnered would be a shame”. We both laugh.

“ Menzi , as a token of my gratefulness to your chivalry tonight can i take you to lunch, not a date but a thank you for saving me and driving me to my place”

“ Well sure we can do lunch, i would though have loved to do dinner with you but i think for starters lunch would do.”

“ Cool, give me your phone so i can dial my number from it, “she said. I like a woman who is proactive. She took my phone and called herself from it and then smiled. I guess she was feeling me too, just as i was her.

Well Goodnight damsel in distress

Goodnight Superman. I smiled at the thought of being her ultimate super.

Driving home was quicker, need to ensure my presentation was on point for tomorrow and also needed to call my PA to reschedule my lunch meeting for tomorrow something important has come up. Lunch with Ulu was a revelation, i cannot remember the last time i laughed so hard the girl was hilarious. She was into the same stuff i liked comics, art, theatre and as we shared stories about our lives i realized that beneath all she had gone through a lot of hurts and her humor was a way of dealing with the hurts, disappointments in her life. I discovered she had a sweet tooth, at this point i wanted to spend more time with her. When she talked about her upbringing i felt sadness for her loss.

Th e more we opened up with each other the more i wanted to be in her life, explore with her, make love to her, listen to her heart beat in the middle of the night. Could i be falling for this woman so soon in the game?

I couldn’t help myself i had this need to be constantly around her, something was drawing me to Ulu. As much as i just ended a 2 year relationship i needed to be cautious around her i didn’t want to be entangled just yet, i was starting to feel more like myself and frankly i loved my freedom

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